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Artist Directory

Cindy Kessler

Cindy Kessler

Cindy Kessler has been a piano teacher for over 45 years which continues to bring her much joy and satisfaction.  Many former students are now teachers themselves in universities and private studios. Throughout the years, her students have been winners in PBCMTA Scholarship Competitions, Palm Beach Post Pathfinder Scholarship Awards, WQCS Young Musicians Spotlight, mARTies Student Performing Artist Awards, FSMTA Outstanding Community Service Awards, and Piano Concerto Competition Awards resulting in four orchestral performances. 

Owner, director and founder of the Stuart School of Music, Cindy chairs the National Guild of Piano Auditions and the music Festival held annually at the school.  She also chairs the highly acclaimed Music-Thon raising over $102,000 for local non-profit organizations.  She promotes community outreach by showcasing many students in master classes and presenting numerous international performing artists. She received the 2004 mARTies Outstanding Performing Artist Award and was nominated for Soroptimist Women of Distinction in 2005.


